Sunday, May 1, 2016

"This is a Public Service Announcement"

While this may not be as cheesy as the AFN PSAs that we're all forced to watch overseas, enjoy this short PSA about drinking in the military.  Currently binge drinking rates are on the rise in the military.  The post 9-11 veteran rate is already 10% higher than our predecessors. Combat veterans in this post 9-11 era even have a rate 10% higher than non combat vets.  To put it in perspective, there are currently 2.7 million men and women who have served in the Global War on Terror, and the statistics show that at least 27% are heavy drinkers and 55% partake in binge drinking.

Bottom line: Be responsible! One or two drinks a couple times per week is fine.  But don't be "that guy" that ruins it for the rest of us.